
Greetings from Princeton Presbyterian Church (EPC).  Join us for worship this Sunday @11am.  Sunday School begins at 9.45am (except summer months). We have a hope and vision to reach out to all for the sake of Jesus Christ and the glory of God.  Our vision statement, Living God's Word to Make Disciples, guides us to follow Jesus and His command to make disciples (Matthew 28.16-20).   We are a part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination and the New River Presbytery (EPC).




  • Worship 1/19/2025

    Snow day schedule, no Sunday School or luncheon today.  We will worship at 11am followed by the congregational meeting.  

  • The Presbyterian Plumb Line

    From The Presbyterian Plumb Line (Click Link Here)

    Our task is to produce and distribute an online journal four times a year with articles aimed at biblically informing the Ruling and Teaching Elders of our denomination on issues that impact our ability to govern under Christ’s authority and faithfully shepherd the flock. We strive to provide content that is accessible to all Elders in the EPC, while being firmly rooted in God’s Word, spiritually guided, and committed to the highest standards of truth. Through articles, EPC news items, sermons, and book reviews, we seek to lead our denomination toward a more biblical expression of our Presbyterian conviction — that biblically informed elders, seeking the mind of Christ in the courts of the Church, is the most faithful way to align with God’s plumb line.


    Click 'Sermons' tab for most recent sermons.